I am so excited that I am sharing my work with you by producing this blog.
I will be keeping my blog up to date by posting my thoughts and musings every couple of days as I create my babies. You will also be able to have a sneak preview of each baby before it appears for sale.
A little about me....
I am a mother of two grown u

I came across reborning when my sister brought her first baby and I knew straight away that this was something for me!
I work from home in my garden studio (or should I say nursery) - so I don't have a very long commute!! It is my most favourite place to be - I can look out at the birds and the garden and I find that I can get a little

Current Work....
My current baby caused me a few sleepless nights - I could not decide if it was a boy or a girl!! So I have tried a little experiment and decided to let the buyer's decide as you can see from my EBay listing as Lucy or Luke (click on the names to see my listing).
I also had a big decisio n regarding the eyes as you can see from the picture below!!
Luke/Lucy has completely different eyes -looks a little strange, but I had to live with it for a couple of days - I eventually went with the one on the dark blue on the right (as you see the picture) as I think it looks a little more 'new born' than the other eye!
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