When buying a reborn baby there are a tips here to help you.
So many choose a reborn baby in haste after loosing out in an auction. Then end up buying 2 - 3 before they get one they are happy with. So if you take these thing into
account when choosing it will help you get the one you want first time.
1. Make sure you can see on the photo's both sides of the baby, both legs, arms, hands and feet.
2. Are the photo's clear and not taken in soft focus or in too darker light.
3. Try to ignore the clothes the babies dressed in, do you still like the baby in just a vest. The baby is the most important and most expensive bit, you can always change the clothes.
4. Look out for very shinny babies, this usually means it's been in the oven to long.
5. Have you seen the top of the babies head, the hair is a major part of the baby and a
pluggy head of hair can be unsightly.
6. Think about the type of baby you want.....pretty, realistic or newborn maybe. You can be lucky and get a pretty realistic one, but pretty can mean it looks like a doll, you may want that look and
that's great but needs thinking about. Not all babies are not pretty but can look very realistic.
7. Don't forget you want a girl or boy you can just change the clothes to the sex of your choice, the artist often would do this for you.
8.If there is no photo's of something you would like to see... just ask the artist they just may not of noticed that they hadn't shown every part. They should be willing to send you a photo but if not then walk away.
9. Another area to look out for is the eyebrows, they can be to heavy, thick and just too large for a baby.
10. Look out for the baby having a hat on most of the photo's, this could mean the hair is badly done
If you can think of any I have missed please feel free to comment, I would really like to hear from you.